Ensuring your tax dollars are being spent wisely
Learn how to influence councillors of Rideau Lakes Township & how a group of 5 often ignore sound advice from township staff.
Learn how to influence councillors of Rideau Lakes Township & how a group of 5 often ignore sound advice from township staff.
The Group of 5 (J and P Banks, Dunfield, Hutchings, and Carr) have created a toxic environment for anyone who disagrees with them.
The facts behind how RLGG obtained the defense document and why its important that you read it.
As authored by husband and wife councilors, Jeff and Paula Banks, what the Integrity Commissioner said had no bearing on his findings.
Oct 18, 2024 - CBC News Ottawa reports on the most recent conroversy and dysfunction at Rideau Lakes Council.
Oct. 3 2024 -Rideau Lakes Grassroots Group (RLGG) wishes to thank all of those that sent letters or made phone calls to the Ombudsman and/or to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. In the Ombudsman’s letter it is quite clear that the majority vote, on two occasions, of Rideau Lakes Council to withhold the Integrity Commissioner’s report regarding Councillor Carr, knowingly violated both the Municipal Act and the Township’s by-laws. Those actions by Council, as RLGG has repeatedly said, are unacceptable and that there are no exceptions. RLGG also wishes to thank the staff at the Ombudsman’s office, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and MPP Steve Clark’s office for their advice and assistance in shepherding our efforts through the process to hold Rideau Lakes Council accountable for their actions and that resulted in the letter (click on link below)
Sept. 7, 2024 - Despite provincial law obligating Ontario municipalities to make Integrity Commissioner public when made available, spurred by concerns about the report on Councilor Linda Carr, through a motion proposed by Paula Banks and seconded by Jeff Banks, Rideaul Lakes Council has voted to derfer the report from public view indefinitely. While technically not breaking provincial law, most agree this is in contravention of the law's intent. It goes against the transparency that several councillors repeately state they adhere too and promote. Click on link below to voice your concerns with the Ontariio Municipal Affiars Minister.
July 27, 2024 -We lay out the case for why the township should not be sinking millions in to retrofit and add onto its municipal office in Chantry and why a new build on free land in Elgin makes much more sense. But no, 5 councilors lead by Jeff and Paula Banks are attempting to ram through their Chantry Plan.
June 3, 2024 -In response to Councilor Paula Banks describing Rideau Lakes Grassroots Group a “hate group” during the council meeting of May 6th 2024, as a delegation, we presented to the MSC council meeting of May 13, 2024 to explain our history, terms of reference, and educate council that we are absolutely not a “hate group” despite her suggestions otherwise. Following our presentation councilor Banks asked some pointed and misinformed questions which we are providing answers to here and to council as correspondence.
May 31, 2024 - A land owner has offered 5 acres of prime & suitable land in Elgin for new municipal offices. As a central location, council needs to seriously consider this offer as they weigh the retrofit or likely new build/extension costs of the poorly maintained and located offices in Chantry.
May 15 2024 - Through a delegation to the Council meeting of May 13th, we presented to council addressing the statement made by Councilor Paula Banks in the full council meeting of May 6, when she publicly and emphatically called Rideau Lakes Grassroots Group an “Hate Group”. Click on the link provided to see our response that almost wasn’t permitted based on council votes lead by Paula and Jeff Banks.
April 13, 2024 - Scroll down to see our blog on how Sue Dunfield lead the charge in the April council meeting to make it acceptable to call out and swear at citizens who constrictively disagree with a councilors position even after the townships integrity commissioner found such behavior totally unacceptable with the councilor in question agreeing and open to adhering to the proposed consequences.
April 1, 2024 - Scroll down to see our latest blog concerning observations on the current poor state of the municipal offices in Chantry and suggestions by the group of 5 on Council as spearheaded by Paula and Jeff Banks, that spending up to $3M (no April fools joke!) to retrofit the facility, is the way to go. We stand to be corrected, but all the evidence and simple common-sense points to this being the wrong approach.
February 17 2024 - Lead by the Group of 5, council dysfunction and toxicity on full display in 2024 budget meeting on capital costs. Read how opportunity was squandered in reaching a consensus in establishing a vision and viable long term financial plan for the township’s offices. Councillor Paula Banks has already claimed she championed developing plans for the existing Chantry offices and identified councilors who voted it down – but this was without a needs analysis and vision for what is needed or a reasonabl time frame to have a report completed by the new facilties manager.
The inability to work as a cohesive council is due to deep polarization within the council and at times obvious personal animosities from Paul and Jeff Banks directed toward other councillors and the Mayor. These are reflected in frequent personal attacks by Paula Banks on Councillor Maxwell and the Mayor on Facebook. Then they are amplified by her vocal & sometimes bully like supporters. She is clearly also heavily influenced by her husband, Councillor Jeff Banks and his very siloed thinking on renovating Chantry as the only way to go based on his “deep construction expertise”. The budget deliberations have left the council more divided than ever. Learn more (4 min ready) by clicking on the link below.
February 8 2024 - There was 10 ½ hours of talking... there was drama...there were tears! Also assertions made by councillor Jeff Banks that our group needs to be silenced.
August 17, 2023 local radio interview on InFocus / Lake 88
Several councillors repeatedly state that they never hear any negative concerns or it's just a small disgruntled group of citizens making noise and being disrespectful.
Email and tell them otherwise.